Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
The purpose of mission work is to spread the word of God. In order to accomplish this objective God’s people often work in foreign and domestic lands to preach the Gospel. Missionaries often find their work to be life-changing. By working with missionaries, churches are able to share the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ with those who live in places where Christianity is sometimes unknown. Whether in the United States or overseas, there are a variety of reasons why mission work is especially important.
Helping the Homeless

Do you know that right here in our own backyard of Spartanburg we have a major homeless problem?
These people need the help and hope that comes from Jesus, that is realized when people like you become active in missions.

Helping Those Who Are Fighting Addictions

Addiction is Real
The church needs to help fight the destruction that addiction causes families in our area.

Kentucky Missions

Thailand Missions
Meet James and Cindy Davis, missionaries to Thailand. James and Cindy are members of Chime Bell Baptist Church in Aiken SC . Former missionaries to China James and Cindy have accepted the call from our Lord to go to Thailand. Calvary Community Church partners with James and Cindy in many ways. One of those ways is in prayer. Please keep them in your prayers as their new mission in Thailand will be challenging. We also are planning a mission trip to Thailand in 2022.

Other Domestic and Foreign Missions